Noida's Climate | Gautam Buddh Nagar Climate

Noida’s Climate resembles the central part of India and is therefore exposed to two types of extreme weather conditions. The summer season lasts from March to June with a maximum temperature of up to 45 degrees Celsius. In the winter period from October to February, the minimum temperature drops to around 4 degrees Celsius. The monsoon season begins in the first week of July and lasts until the end of September.

In summer months from March to June, the weather remains hot and the temperature ranges from a maximum of 48 °C to a minimum of 28 °C. Summer starts in early April and continues till the middle of June, with the heat peaking in late May/early June. Summers are characterized by extreme heat, low humidity, very hot winds, and dust & sand storms. After mid-June, temperatures start falling slowly, while humidity shows a gradual rise. Heatwaves are also common in summer months making it extremely difficult outdoors.

The Monsoon Season

Monsoon season prevails from July to September. Its starts in late June and lasts until mid-September, with about 797.3 mm (31.5 inches) of rain. The average temperatures are around 29 °C (85 °F), It vary from 25 °C (78 °F) on rainy days to 32 °C (90 °F) during dry days.  July season start with high level of heat & humidity. As the seasons progress humidity level increases making it unbearable.  August is the wettest month of the year & gradually temperature & humidity level is reduced by end of September. The monsoons recede in late September, and the post-monsoon season continues till late October, with average temperatures sliding from 29 °C (85 °F) to 21 °C (71 °F).

The Winter Season

The winter period starts from October to February. Cold waves from the Himalayan region make the winters in Noida chilly and harsh.  Temperatures fall to as low as 3 to 4 °C at the peak of winters. In Winters a dense fog envelops the city, reducing visibility on the streets. Like rest of North India, Noida also receives rainfall in February month due to western disturbances. 

Noida's Climate: Pollution & Air Quality Index

‎Although Noida has large areas and a well-developed green area, the air quality is worrying as particulate matter (PMS) is increasing due to extensive construction work in the developing city. In winter Noida also has fog and smog problems making Air Quality worse. February to September AQI remains satisfactory but in recent years with Diwali Crackers pollution & Crop burning in Punjab & Haryana AQI becomes very poor. Central pollution control board issues many guidelines to tackle this problem.

Noida’s Climate | Gautam Buddh Nagar Climate

Rajeev Rana

Rajeev Rana loves reading about history and demography and has been writing on these topics for five years. While not a certified expert, he has a deep understanding of demography in India. Rajeev contributes to several websites and has extensive knowledge of the Delhi NCR area.

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